Tuesday, January 26, 2010

High School Purity Series

This week marks the beginning of our 8-week series with High School focusing on sexual purity. We will be taking a head on look at the reality of sex and sexuality and how it impacts and influence teens in this generation. Click Here to download the parent letter sent in the mail with more details about this series. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

"Raise Up a Child"

Join other parents on Sunday mornings at 9:45 during the Faith E Bible In Life hour for this great parenting class. The class is led by Ron and Laura Feneis.

A Biblical Portrait of Parenting is a family event that will take you on an exciting journey of parenting by God’s design. During this course, you will learn how to follow God’s “GPS” as it helps you navigate through the pitfalls and perils of raising children. Prepare to be guided back to the heart of parenting through four easy to remember and easy to apply principles.

Class is 9 weeks, beginning January 3.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Parent Seminar - Nov. 22nd @ 6:30pm

FSM Parent Seminar – Sunday November 22 @ 6:30pm

Join us for disCONNECTED a seminar on the impact of technology on your family. Jump in on our conversation with other parents as we discuss how technology impacts the teenage world of communication and the impact that has on your family relationships. The seminar will be 3 20min. sessions with 10 minutes of table interaction on each topic with other parents.
Session 1: The Disconnect;
Session 2: How to Reconnect;
Session 3: Staying Connected

Help us spread the word by inviting other parents to join you on Nov. 22!

Off*Site Nights

Several times a year we have what are called "Off*Site" nights. These are designed to give cell groups a chance to play together or go do a service project. The extra time together as a group allows for students to deepen friendships with each other and for leaders to get more time to hangout with students. Each group and leader decides what they will be doing and when and where they will meet. Leaders are supposed to contact all students as well as parents to let you know what their plans are. If you do not hear from a leader feel free to call them directly or contact us at the church office and we will let you know.

Upcoming Off*Site nights:

Junior High OASIS

Tuesday, October 20

High School CRUX
Wednesday, October 28

Tuesday, August 25, 2009