Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Parents Night

Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 14th @ 6:30pm!

Come and connect face to face with the fsm staff, volunteers, and other parents of students in our student ministry. Prizes will be given away, vision for the coming year of ministry will be shared, and time for Q & A will be given.

We are looking forward to seeing you here!


Welcome to the new parents corner of Faith Student Ministries. FSM is a part of the Faith E Church community that focuses our ministry on adolescent students and their families. It is our heartbeat to invest in every way possible into the lives of students. The best way we have found to do this is by intentionally connecting with the greatest and closest relationship in a kid's life... YOU the parents.

We believe that if we are going to effectively pour into the lives of students and help them grow into the godly young men and women God desires them to be, we must partner with you. While you are have the ultimate responsibility in raising your kids, we hope that we can be an active and helpful part of your team. We know that parenting is tough to do alone... we are here to help, inspire, encourage, and support you in any way we can.