Wednesday, March 4, 2009

World Vision Experience: AIDS exhibit

Don't miss this great opportunity to Step Into Africa and interact with the global AIDS crisis. We are intentionally targeting time for all our students to experience the exhibit. Please consider doing so as parents as well, and then be able to dialog with your family about how the experience impacted you, and what you as a family may be able to do.

Junior High will be going through the exhibit on Tuesday Night, March 31st as a part of OASIS that night.

High School Crux is not meeting the week of the exhibit (April 1), but all cell groups are scheduling their own times that week to go through the experience together.

If you have any questions, or want to know more about the exhibit, please contact Paul.

FREE tickets can be reserved online at

High School Calendar - March

Junior High Calendar - March

Addition to the Youth Staff!!!

Beginning on March 9th we will have a new member to the youth staff here at Faith E. Roger Dayton will be joining the team as the Junior High Pastor.

Roger is coming in with a great history here at Faith E. In the spring of 2005 Roger came on staff through the internship program with the youth ministry. He spent 3 years learning and refining his gifts and passions for ministry. He has been a huge asset to the ministry staff here, and we have seen fruit from his pouring into the lives of students. Roger is an energetic individual, passionate about teaching the Word of God and investing into the lives of students. Last August, Roger married his lovely bride Jessica, and this past winter has finished his degree from Yellowstone Baptist College.

Roger's primary responsibility will be leading our ministry to junior high students and their families. Please join us in welcoming Roger to the team!