Wednesday, November 19, 2008

No gatherings THANKSGIVING week

There will be NO OASIS (Tuesday) or CRUX (Wednesday) November 25/26.

We are giving our leaders the night off to spend with their families heading into the holiday!

There is a Thanksgiving Eve service for families here at the church on Wednesday @ 7pm. We'd love to see your family here!

SUPER SUMMER 2009 camp dates

The dates for Super Summer 2009 have been set. Registration and brochures will be available after the new year! But for those of you getting an early jump on summer plans, here you go...

Super Summer JUNIOR HIGH is June 22-26

Super Summer HIGH SCHOOL is July 13-18

Monday, October 20, 2008

Off*Site Nights coming up...

The last week of October, youth group will be Off*Site.

We do this several times throughout the year as opportunities for the groups to connect in a deep way. Groups are encouraged to choose an environment and time where they can hang out as a group and build relationships.

The leader from your son/daughter's cell group leader should be getting in touch with you soon as to their plan for the 28th (OASIS) or 29th (CRUX). If you do not hear from them, feel free to contact them or Lisa in the church office.

I am currently in Minnesota taking courses for my seminary program. I will be back home Nov. 1st

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Open WELL for High School Students

If you have a High School student, you will notice several Saturday nights during the next two months when we will be opening The WELL (coffee shop in Faith E lobby) for students to come hang out if they would like. Each night we will have 2-4 adults present. This is a "come and go event"... meaning you it is important for you communicate with your son/daughter if they are here, etc. The Well will be open from 7-11pm, but we do not expect students to stay the entire time. We coffee and beverages will be available for purchase and students can hang out with their friends, play games, videos, etc.

If you are interested and available to be around for a 2 hour shift on any of the Open WELL nights, please let me know... it would be greatly appreciated.

OCT./NOV. Calendars

You should be receiving in the mail either today or tomorrow a calendar of events for the next 2 months! If you do not receive one, that means you are not currently active on our mailing list. If you would like to receive info such as calendars via the mail, please contact Lisa in the office so she can get you active on our database!

CRUX update v.08.10.08

We have had a great start to the fall... unbelievable we are a full week into October already. In case your son/daughter has not share with you about CRUX thus far, we have started the year off by challenging our students (and leaders alike) to create a lifestyle of serving others. It has been a great series. Tonight concludes the part where we TALK about serving... and really start living it out. Next week CRUX does not meet at the church. We have designated that night for groups to meet and either finalize there plans for serving someone else OR actually doing it. If they choose not do the service project that night, we encouraged them to set up a time during the 4-day weekend to go out and serve. Then the following week (Oct. 22) we will gather all the students for a night of Celebrating and sharing with each other what each group did and the response from those they served.

If you do not know what your son/daughters group is up to next week (time & location) please feel free to contact their cell group leader for the details (you can call Lisa in the office here to get the phone number for your child's leader).

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Parent Prayer TEAM

Several years ago a few parents began meeting while youth group was happening to pray for our students and the ministry. We have several faithful parents who continue to do so each Tuesday and Wednesday night @ 7pm. We would love to see more parents partner with us by covering our ministry and students with prayer in this way. Please feel free to show up any or every week @ 7pm in the Fireside Chapel. You can stay as long or as short of a time as you would like. We leave a notebook with the names of all our students as well as cards with specific prayer requests by leaders and students.

OASIS update v.08.9.30

So when I said weekly(ish) updates, the intent wasn’t to go a month, but it has been a little crazy around here getting the student ministries up and going. Now that we are a few steps out of the blocks we can really hit our stride. So, here is your first true update of the fall.

OASIS has had a great start! Kids seem excited to be here, they are bringing new friends each week, and our leaders are beginning to really settle into getting know each of the kids in their cell groups. Tonight is week 3 already, and the conclusion of our series, “Umm Umm Good”. We have been taking a look at what God’s Word should be and is in our lives. Here is what we have covered the past two weeks and will be discussion tonight:

Week 1: Ezekiel 3:1-3, Psalm 19:9-11 … God’s Word is sweet as Honey! On this night we talked about how sweet God’s word can be to us, and that we must acquire a taste for it. In Jewish tradition, children when first beginning to take classes on the Hebrew Law (Gen.- Deut.), the Rabbi would put honey on their slate and have them lick it to remind them that God’s word is sweet… so, we passed around honey, had everyone put it either on their bible or their finger and taste it to remember how sweet God’s Word is to us still today!

Week 2: Exodus 24:12, I Timothy 3:14-15 … B(basic) I(instructions) B(before) L(leaving) E(earth). Last week we discussed the Bible the instruction manual on how to live the way God designed and made us to be. Just like any game or thing we have, there is an instruction manual on how it is to be used. Life is the same way, and God gave us his Word as the instructions.

Week 3: Psalm 119:101-105 … not only is the Bible our instruction manual, but it is also our compass that give us the direction for our journey. God’ word shows us if we are on the right path, as well as showing us where the path is going that God has planned for us.

Hopefully over the past month, we have been able to begin to help students see their Bible not as some huge, overwhelming, and hard to understand book, but as something that really is a benefit in their life is the take the time to read and apply it… beginning to think that maybe after all, the Bible is… Umm Umm Good!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Parents Night

Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 14th @ 6:30pm!

Come and connect face to face with the fsm staff, volunteers, and other parents of students in our student ministry. Prizes will be given away, vision for the coming year of ministry will be shared, and time for Q & A will be given.

We are looking forward to seeing you here!


Welcome to the new parents corner of Faith Student Ministries. FSM is a part of the Faith E Church community that focuses our ministry on adolescent students and their families. It is our heartbeat to invest in every way possible into the lives of students. The best way we have found to do this is by intentionally connecting with the greatest and closest relationship in a kid's life... YOU the parents.

We believe that if we are going to effectively pour into the lives of students and help them grow into the godly young men and women God desires them to be, we must partner with you. While you are have the ultimate responsibility in raising your kids, we hope that we can be an active and helpful part of your team. We know that parenting is tough to do alone... we are here to help, inspire, encourage, and support you in any way we can.