Wednesday, October 8, 2008

CRUX update v.08.10.08

We have had a great start to the fall... unbelievable we are a full week into October already. In case your son/daughter has not share with you about CRUX thus far, we have started the year off by challenging our students (and leaders alike) to create a lifestyle of serving others. It has been a great series. Tonight concludes the part where we TALK about serving... and really start living it out. Next week CRUX does not meet at the church. We have designated that night for groups to meet and either finalize there plans for serving someone else OR actually doing it. If they choose not do the service project that night, we encouraged them to set up a time during the 4-day weekend to go out and serve. Then the following week (Oct. 22) we will gather all the students for a night of Celebrating and sharing with each other what each group did and the response from those they served.

If you do not know what your son/daughters group is up to next week (time & location) please feel free to contact their cell group leader for the details (you can call Lisa in the office here to get the phone number for your child's leader).

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