Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Still time to come with your FAMILY

The exhibit is here 4 more days. I would highly recommend you taking the time to come through the exhibit with your FAMILY (even your children who are not yet adolescents). Even if you have already come once, or your child has (or is coming) with their cell group. There are 4 different stories, so you could potentially come 4 times and have a different experience each time. Use this as an opportunity to stimulate dialog in your home. You can even all for walk through the same story or each take a different one and ask each other what the stories were. Reservations can still be made online or you can simply walk in.

Follow-up Discussion Questions:

How did you feel before you put your hand down to be stamped?

How did you feel after and why?

To what extent had you previously seen/experienced poverty? How is what you saw in the
exhibit similar or different?

What is your definition of poverty?

What do you think it feels like to be a child affected by AIDS?

What can we do as a family to support people living with HIV across the globe?

Did the things you experienced in the exhibit make you think/ reflect about your own life,
and if so, what things did you think about?

What is something in your life you have taken for granted until now?

What are some things about your life that are different than the life you experienced today?

Did the Experience prompt you to change your thoughts and perceptions about global
poverty? If so, why? What will you do to take action?

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