Monday, August 17, 2009

Updating Database

We are attempting to clean up and update our FSM database. If you have not been in touch with Lisa (; 656-8747) this summer, please do so ASAP. We are trying to confirm students who are still active in our ministry, as well us updating contact info and getting email addresses for parents. In order to cut back on time, materials, and cost on mailings our hope is to go "nearly paperless" in our communication. That means more emails, web updates, and text messages... less postcards, letters, etc.

*If you you desire to be communicated with primarily by mail we can still do so, but our hope is that most will be able to be done over the internet, saving the church several hundred dollars over the course of the year.*

For more info or to update your info call Lisa @ the church office, 656-8747.

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