Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Parent Seminar - Nov. 22nd @ 6:30pm

FSM Parent Seminar – Sunday November 22 @ 6:30pm

Join us for disCONNECTED a seminar on the impact of technology on your family. Jump in on our conversation with other parents as we discuss how technology impacts the teenage world of communication and the impact that has on your family relationships. The seminar will be 3 20min. sessions with 10 minutes of table interaction on each topic with other parents.
Session 1: The Disconnect;
Session 2: How to Reconnect;
Session 3: Staying Connected

Help us spread the word by inviting other parents to join you on Nov. 22!

Off*Site Nights

Several times a year we have what are called "Off*Site" nights. These are designed to give cell groups a chance to play together or go do a service project. The extra time together as a group allows for students to deepen friendships with each other and for leaders to get more time to hangout with students. Each group and leader decides what they will be doing and when and where they will meet. Leaders are supposed to contact all students as well as parents to let you know what their plans are. If you do not hear from a leader feel free to call them directly or contact us at the church office and we will let you know.

Upcoming Off*Site nights:

Junior High OASIS

Tuesday, October 20

High School CRUX
Wednesday, October 28

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Updating Database

We are attempting to clean up and update our FSM database. If you have not been in touch with Lisa (lisa@faithe.org; 656-8747) this summer, please do so ASAP. We are trying to confirm students who are still active in our ministry, as well us updating contact info and getting email addresses for parents. In order to cut back on time, materials, and cost on mailings our hope is to go "nearly paperless" in our communication. That means more emails, web updates, and text messages... less postcards, letters, etc.

*If you you desire to be communicated with primarily by mail we can still do so, but our hope is that most will be able to be done over the internet, saving the church several hundred dollars over the course of the year.*

For more info or to update your info call Lisa @ the church office, 656-8747.

start up dates

Junior High OASIS begins Tuesay, Sept. 1 @ 7pm

High School CRUX begins Wedensday, Sept. 2 @ 7pm

Parents Gathering - Aug. 30th!

Please join us on Sunday, August 30th @ 7pm, for the 2009-2010 ministry year update. At the gathering we will:
- introduce the FSM team of staff and volunteers,
- share about our vision for impacting students this next year,
- explain several new changes in our ministry structure (High School)
- unveil a few of our upcoming events for middle school & high school
- provide a time for Q&A to gain your feedback and input
- allow you to mingle with other parents who have the joy of raising adolescents

Sunday, June 28, 2009

2 weeks left until Super Summer High School

There are only 2 weeks left before Super Summer High School is here! If you have not registered your high schooler for camp yet, don't miss the opportunity to give them possibly the best week of their summer!

Super Summer is a great time to deepen good relationships, build some new friendships, and most importantly stimulate growth in their faith and walk with Jesus!

This year's theme is HELP! Throughout the week we will be focusing on recognizing that we all need a little help in life. We all have things from our life that are too tough to handle alone, but together and ultimately with the Help of God we can experience that "God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, beyond all we are able to ask or think according to the power that works within us.” (Eph. 3:20).

We are excited this year to have our friends Plumbline back to lead us in worship and Megan Hutchinson from Saddleback Church in California as our speaker in the evenings for Summer Celebration!

All registration for camp this year is done online @ www.bmcrministries.org

Several scholarships are still available by request. Contact Paul @ the church office.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


YS ONE DAY training seminar!

Parents! Are you interested in unleashing the Scriptures in your family? Join us for an afternoon @ the Youth Specialties ONE DAY training seminar, The BIBLE: Bring it On! The seminar targets helping youth workers uncover the riches of God’s Word, lead students into fresh encounters with God’s Word, and provides ideas to help students experience Scripture. We believe as parents that you would want the same tools for raising your kids. So, because Faith E is the host for this training we can offer you, as parents, the seminar for only $10 (normally $59). If you are interested in join other parents and leaders from Faith Student Ministries, please let Lisa know via email (lisa@faithe.org) or by calling the church office 656-8747.
Seminar is on Sunday, April 26 from 1:45pm – 7:30pm. Snacks and a dinner will be provided.

Monday, April 13, 2009

SUPER SUMMER Camp Registration - OPEN!!!

BMCR is ready to take your registrations for Super Summer 2009! BMCR brochures are available with info at the church office. You can register online today! Simply go to the camp website www.bmcrministries.org select the camp you want to register your son/daughter for, and give them the gift of the best week of their summer!

More info about Junior High and High School Super Summer is on the Super Summer website www.supersummer.org

Make sure to bookmark the supersummer website. We will be updating it often and using it the week(s) of camp to give you and interactive experience of Super Summer like never before with daily uploads of pictures and videos as camp is happening, prayer requests, and a word from the leaders. You may even get to hear a hello from you son or daughter!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Still time to come with your FAMILY

The exhibit is here 4 more days. I would highly recommend you taking the time to come through the exhibit with your FAMILY (even your children who are not yet adolescents). Even if you have already come once, or your child has (or is coming) with their cell group. There are 4 different stories, so you could potentially come 4 times and have a different experience each time. Use this as an opportunity to stimulate dialog in your home. You can even all for walk through the same story or each take a different one and ask each other what the stories were. Reservations can still be made online or you can simply walk in.

Follow-up Discussion Questions:

How did you feel before you put your hand down to be stamped?

How did you feel after and why?

To what extent had you previously seen/experienced poverty? How is what you saw in the
exhibit similar or different?

What is your definition of poverty?

What do you think it feels like to be a child affected by AIDS?

What can we do as a family to support people living with HIV across the globe?

Did the things you experienced in the exhibit make you think/ reflect about your own life,
and if so, what things did you think about?

What is something in your life you have taken for granted until now?

What are some things about your life that are different than the life you experienced today?

Did the Experience prompt you to change your thoughts and perceptions about global
poverty? If so, why? What will you do to take action?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

World Vision Experience: AIDS exhibit

Don't miss this great opportunity to Step Into Africa and interact with the global AIDS crisis. We are intentionally targeting time for all our students to experience the exhibit. Please consider doing so as parents as well, and then be able to dialog with your family about how the experience impacted you, and what you as a family may be able to do.

Junior High will be going through the exhibit on Tuesday Night, March 31st as a part of OASIS that night.

High School Crux is not meeting the week of the exhibit (April 1), but all cell groups are scheduling their own times that week to go through the experience together.

If you have any questions, or want to know more about the exhibit, please contact Paul.

FREE tickets can be reserved online at www.worldvisionexperience.org

High School Calendar - March

Junior High Calendar - March

Addition to the Youth Staff!!!

Beginning on March 9th we will have a new member to the youth staff here at Faith E. Roger Dayton will be joining the team as the Junior High Pastor.

Roger is coming in with a great history here at Faith E. In the spring of 2005 Roger came on staff through the internship program with the youth ministry. He spent 3 years learning and refining his gifts and passions for ministry. He has been a huge asset to the ministry staff here, and we have seen fruit from his pouring into the lives of students. Roger is an energetic individual, passionate about teaching the Word of God and investing into the lives of students. Last August, Roger married his lovely bride Jessica, and this past winter has finished his degree from Yellowstone Baptist College.

Roger's primary responsibility will be leading our ministry to junior high students and their families. Please join us in welcoming Roger to the team!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Help us out!

We have two great opportunities for you as parents to help us out with upcoming events.

(1) If you are the parent of a JUNIOR HIGHER we could use your help as a chaperone/driver for the Splash night @ the Reef! We will cover your cost for entrance to the Reef if you are willing to be a driver (if needed... we have a bus arranged, but may need extra transportation if we get lots of kids), and a chaperone to make sure kids are not getting out of control @ the Reef. Please contact me ASAP if you are willing help us out on Friday, January 30th. We are meeting at the church @ 7:30pm and will be back to Faith E @ 10:30pm.

(2) If you are the parent of a HIGH SCHOOL Student, we could use your help as a chaperone on the Winter Retreat up in Bozeman - Feb. 13-15 (Friday afternoon - Sunday afternoon). Please contact me ASAP if you are willing to come on the retreat with us. It's a great way to spend your valentine's day with your hunny... and a bunch of high schoolers! (we will be back in time for the Faith E couple's night out event at the church on the 15th!)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Winter Calendars

The Winter calendars will be in the mail later this week. Be on the lookout for those calendars with the ministry events for January and February! Also, feel free to check out the student websites anytime as well for more info and details on upcoming events such and Junior High SPLASH @ the Reef January 30th and High School Phil Wickham concert tonight at the Shrine!

Junior High

High School

Value Packed Parenting Class

Pastor Steve Hamilton is leading a parenting class during the Bible In Life hour on Sundays from 9:45-10:45am. This is a great opportunity to get some encouragement in your journey as parents and pick up some ideas on how to better relate and communicate with your kids! It is a video based curriculum along with a workbook and great interaction with other parents. I would highly encourage you to consider this class if you are not already involved in another Bible In Life class currently.